Strategic Plan

The Disability Sports Australia Strategic Plan 2023-26
is a bold roadmap that outlines the organisation’s vision of
enabling more active lives for all Australians with disability.

Message from the Co-Chairs and CEO

Image of Kerri Griffiths

Kerri Griffiths

Image of Ayden Shaw

Dr Renae Domaschenz PLY

Ayden Shaw
General Manager

Our Strategic Plan underpins all that we do at Disability Sports Australia. Our vision is for active lives for all Australians with disability.

Undertaking the strategic review last year provided clarity on how we can best support people with disability nationwide.

We recognise that there is opportunity to create more accessibility and inclusion to enable Australians to be more active through sport.

To provide maximum impact, we will continue to engage with our members, the sector, and provide first-class programs and initiatives to support community needs.

Our Strategic Pillars

Downloadable copies

Strategic Plan PDF Version

Strategic Plan Plain Text Version

Or please contact DSA staff if you need the report in another format;


In sport and active recreation for people living with disability:

• Strengthen our position as a leading expert.

• A critical influencer of policy and funding decision-makers.

• More informed and confident that Government, industry, community and participants know where and how to access information.

People, Culture & Systems

• Adopt best practice corporate governance and structures to deliver on strategic objectives and provide ongoing professional development to enhance staff capability.

• Engage employees and internal stakeholders to create a positive culture that aligns to our operations and work environment.

• Create an environment of leadership where employees and stakeholders are empowered and valued.

Programs & Delivery

• Create and provide evidence-based sports and active recreation programs and services that deliver opportunities for individuals with disability to participate, engage and remain involved in sports and active recreation.

• Build capabilities for delivery of programs that are practical, evidence-based and commercially viable.

Partnerships & Stakeholder Engagement

• Develop a deeper understanding of the value we offer our partners and stakeholders.

• Create and maintain partnerships that offer opportunities for capability building.

• Align our value proposition and improve communication, marketing and information sharing.

Financial Stability

• Achieve fiscal sustainability, delivering on plans that protect, preserve and secure the organisation’s financial future with a sound risk management framework.

• Diversify revenue streams, reduce reliance on Government funding and secure funding and resources for major projects.

Get to know our brand

Below are the Disability Sports Australia Brand Guidelines. This document has been created as a guide for how the Disability Sports Australia brand should be used for events, social media, communications, promotions, and other activities. Within the document, correct use of typography, colour and logo usage, both in print and online, can be found.

This document will guide best design standards of practice and is a useful resource to refer to maintain the Disability Sports Australia brand.

 Thank you for your support, we hope you enjoy getting to know our brand better!