Wheelchair Dance Sport is coming to Australia! Get involved!

Are you ready to dance? 

Disability Sports Australia is happy to announce that Wheelchair Dance Sport is coming to Australia but we need you!

Wheelchair Dance Sport is looking for dancers, studios and officials to participate in this new and exciting sport both socially and competitively. No experience required! 

Wheelchair Dance Sport is a Paralympic recognised sport for people with a physical impairment that affects the lower limbs. Dancers can participate as singles, duos (two wheelchair users) or combi (wheelchair user with able bodied partner) in competitive ballroom dancing in styles such as Standard, Latin and Freestyle.

Wheelchair Dance Sport is competed internationally with World Championships and Asian Championships held every two years.

For more info and to fill out the Expression of Interest form, head to this page and click the yellow button in the Get Involved section.

Any questions or inquiries, contact Kelsey at Disability Sport Australia at kelsey@sports.org.au or +61 2 8736 1221.

To keep updated with any new Wheelchair Dance Sport information and upcoming events and workshops follow Disability Sports Australia on Facebook and Twitter or sign up to the DSA newsletter.

Daria Alforova and the Ukrainian National Wheelchair Dance Sport Team


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