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Ospitalità or HospitAble?

The Management Discipline Group of UTS is pleased to host Ospitalità or HospitAble - Developing inclusive and sustainable employment for people with disability in the hospitality industry. The event  will include a presentation of case studies from Italy and Australia followed by a panel discussion chaired by Professor Simon Darcy.

When: Thursday 17 November 2016, 3:00pm - 5:30pm 

Where: UTS Business School, Dr Chau Chak Wing Building, level 8, room 002

Speakers include:

ITALY: Alex Toselli, Download Albergo Etico Project with Tracylee Arestides
The Download Albergo Etico Project is an integrated training, life skills and employment project for people with Down syndrome in northern Italy. The Project owns and operates a hotel staffed by people with Down syndrome who train in all facets of the hospitality business. Alex Toselli, chair of the Project, will present on the business model and its social impact. ‘We see the work inclusion of people with disabilities as an extension and evolution of accessible tourism,’ says Toselli, ‘And we aim to make people with Down syndrome the real protagonists of their working life.’

AUSTRALIA: Bec Ho, Touched by Olivia – Livvi’s Cafe
Touched by Olivia is Australia's only charity focused on the creation of inclusive communities through building playspaces. Two years ago, the next stage began with the creation of social enterprise cafes. These cafes provide employment opportunities to young people with disabilities; financial support to Touched by Olivia and activate the Livvi's Place inclusive playspaces with programs. Bec will present on the development of the overall business model of the playspaces and the development of the social enterprise Livvi’s Café 

These case studies will be followed by a panel discussion, chaired by Prof Simon Darcy, Professor of Social Inclusion, UTS School of Business.

The afternoon will conclude with drinks, nibbles and networking opportunities.

For the full program, click here. To register, click here. Registrations close Tuesday, 
15 November 2016

For details on how to get to UTS Business School, click here.

For further enquiries regarding this event, please contact Professor Simon Darcy

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